I’m also known as B, BB, Blairbie, Blairsey, Blairbear, Blairbear the 32nd (not sure why), Blarb, and Blairs to my friends (the list only continues to grow). Polyonymous means one with many names, and factotum means one wearing many hats. I’m both of these things.

Copywriter is one of the many hats I’ve recently tried that fits. I have a strong passion for art, being outdoors, and reading, but most notably I love to talk. This translated into writing becoming another passion of mine, so of course the idea of copywriter changed from sounding like something illegal to something I wanted to base my career around.

BTW: scroll down for my resume.


  • Interning at MullenLowe working for Change the Ref, KFC, Knorr, the USGA, and NFCU.

  • Learning to drive stick.

  • Planning a cross-country road trip post-grad.