Strengthen Your Defense – Don’t Let Allergies Win This Year

Ghostwritten for Dr. Stefanie van der Kellen

You don’t appreciate what you have until you lose it, so don’t lose your clear nose and clear eyes this season. Fall allergies leave approximately 50 million Americans defenseless to their wrath every year, but this doesn’t have to include you and your family.

Mouth breathing is optional this season with a little smart planning. Strengthen your defense against fall allergies by following these five helpful tips.

Close Your Windows

This weather beautifully decorates the world outside your window, but the fall foliage breeds mold and carries pollen that can irritate your allergies. Invite your family and friends inside, and not asthma and allergy symptoms. close your windows and if possible, wear a mask outside.

Control Pet Dander

Our pets are full of love, but also full of pollen and dust after playing outside. Before they find their favorite seat on your couch and you’re sneezing (again), you should know the major difference couch covers and regular pet-grooming habits can make for your home. Planned

Fall allergies won’t last forever, and with the right precautions, you don’t have to suffer this season. Pethood International offers effective grooming tips to combat a wagging tail full of pollen and dust.

Wash Your Textiles and Keep Surfaces Clean

Dust mites accumulate over time in places we forget to clean, often worsening our fall allergies. If you can't remember the last time you dusted your headboard, it’s time to do so. Adopting habits like washing your bedsheets once a week and changing your clothes after being outside can also assuage asthma and allergy symptoms. With a little extra effort, your itchy eyes and stuffy nose are avoidable.

Buy a Good Vacuum

Many vacuums kick up the same amount of dust as they capture. The wrong vacuum – maybe the one in your closet – can irritate asthma and allergy
symptoms. The right vacuum has a HEPA filter to snag the leftover particles you can’t see. A breathable home is attainable if you know what to buy. Durable Appliances offers videos on its patent-pending GermStat hypoallergenic cleaning system.

See a Specialist

If your symptoms persist, and you find yourself trying to remember the feeling of non-labored breathing, an allergist can identify a treatment plan to help. Many medication options are available that may be able to help your symptoms.

The good news: fall allergies won’t last forever, and with the right precautions, you don’t have to suffer through this season with a stuffy nose. In the comments below, tell us your best tips to keep asthma and allergy symptoms at bay.


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